What you need to know about a retail lease

Tax Tip – Claiming Borrowing Expenses

Quite often when you borrow money for business purposes you will incur certain expenses associated with that particular loan. You can claim a deduction for borrowing expenses associated with purchasing…

Beware the JobKeeper SGC Trap!

You have been paying your Team to keep them financially stable and are looking to get reimbursed ($1,500 per employee per fortnight) under the Federal Government’s Stimulus package. For an…

Business Support Loans

We have had a number of business customers asking us about the funds made available by the federal government to offer business support loans at this time to bridge the…
ceebeks blog

How not to look ugly on a video call

In today’s crazy world we are using video calls more than ever to conduct meetings, speak with team members, talk to friends and family, and meet with clients. Still, it…

The JobKeeper Payment

The Federal Government has announced (as part of its Coronavirus Stimulus Package) the introduction of a new JobKeeper Payment to assist eligible employers (and self-employed individuals) who have been impacted…