A simple phone survey could increase sales

The telephone is an old tool for generating sales and it should not be forgotten when looking to get marketing data.

Conduct a phone survey of 20 to 30 of your best customers (because that’s the type you want more of), ask them this question and collate their top 3 answers. “What were the top 6 things (in order of importance) that mattered most to you when you were selecting someone to provide your [product or service type]?”

Their answers will help you understand what really does motivate your customers.

When you know that you can be sure your marketing efforts address those needs so drawing more people – like the customers you have – to you.

Use the top 3 in your marketing as a headline for instance and increase your responses.

Another interesting question is: “What have been the top 6 things that frustrate you most about [your industry or business type] in general?”

The answers to this question show you what you need to work on – and eliminate if possible – from your business, so you can differentiate it even further from your competitors.

Not only that, but you could use the answers in a clever marketing campaign for example, The Top 6 frustrations we help you avoid in [your industry or business type]!

By making use of the telephone and thinking outside of the box, you can gather important information from those customers you love working with in order to attract more of them.

Give it a try, you will be very surprised with the responses and your customers will love to help you, too!

Got a question about your business? Please get in touch with us.

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