Get in touch with us if you want more guidance on your financial decisions and how they may impact your future.
Tax Calculators
Investment Calculators

Compound Interest Calculator
This compound interest calculator is a tool which helps you estimate how much money you will save with your deposit or how much your loan will grow within a particular period of time. In order to make a smart financial decision you need to be able to foresee the final results of it. That’s why it’s worth knowing how to calculate compound interest.

Interest Calculator
Our simple interest calculator calculates a monthly payment on an interest-only loan. Just provide the interest percentage and you’ll know how much that loan costs.
The difference between “just” interest and mortgage payment is simple – with the mortgage calculator, every month you repay a part of the principal and your loan balance gets lower an lower. With the simple interest calculator, only the interest is paid. The loan amount stays the same forever.

Present Value Calculator
This present value calculator is a tool that helps you estimate current value of a future payment or a stream of cash flows given a certain rate of return. Present value, also called present discounted value, is one of the most important financial concepts and is used to price among other things mortgages, loans, bonds, stocks and more, just as future value calculations. It’s related to the fact that money we receive today can be invested to earn a return. It is also useful when estimating how much you need to invest now in order to meet a certain future goal, for example buying a car or a home.

Savings Calculator
This savings calculator, otherwise called “savings account calculator” is a versatile tool that can help you plan how to save up enough money to buy your dream car, trip, etc. It works in both directions – go ahead to either find out how much you’ll save OR how much you need to deposit if you have a certain amount as your goal. It operates on a few variables: initial balance, meaning how much can you put in as an initial deposit; monthly deposit, interest rate and term, meaning how long will you be saving for, be it months or years.

Share Calculator
Whether you’re a professional trader or a total newbie in the share market, this share calculator will surely come in handy. Basing on the purchase share price and selling price, it determines the share return – or, in plain terms, how much money you will earn on your transactions. This share profit calculator will also provide you with two important parameters: the return on investment (ROI) and the break-even price.
Mortgage and Real Estate Calculators

Credit Card Payoff Calculator
This credit card payoff calculator is an uncomplicated, yet useful tool for managing your credit card debt. With its help, you will be able to calculate how much time you need to be completely debt-free. You can also use this calculator to determine the monthly credit card payments.

Mortgage Calculator
This mortgage calculator is a simple tool that helps you estimate the cost of your mortgage. Thinking about buying your first property? Wondering whether you can afford it? After you put in just a few digits our mortgage calculator will tell you what your monthly payment and total payments will be. Be advised that the calculator provides you with just an illustration and does not include all the details and costs the banks charge when giving a loan.
Get in touch with us if you want more guidance on your financial decisions and how they may impact your future.
Sales calculators

Discount Calculator
his discount calculator lets you find out the reduced price and the amount of money you save. You can also do it the other way around and calculate the discount itself or the original price. As a buyer, you may use it as a sale price calculator to negotiate the price or find out what the final price will be after you factor in that 15% price off coupon that you have.

Double Discount Calculator
This double discount calculator helps you in a scenario where two levels of discounts are applied to the price of a product or a service. Please keep in mind that the second discount is applied to the price AFTER the first discount has been applied. For example, if the original price was $50 and we have two discounts: 20% and 10%, then we’re doing something like this: $50 – 20% = $50 – $10 = $40. Then $40 – 10% = $40 – $4 = $36.

Ending Inventory Calculator
This ending inventory calculator will help you determine what is the total value of units in your inventory at the end of an accounting period. Thanks to this tool, you will be able to quickly and effortlessly figure out how to calculate the ending inventory value that goes into your balance sheet. You will also be able to calculate your inventory turnover to measure how efficiently you are selling your product.

GST Calculator
This GST calculator helps you find out either net or gross price of your product based on a percentage-based GST tax rate. It’s very simple to use – provide values that you know (for example net price and GST rate) to receive other values (in this case gross price and tax amount).

Margin and GST Calculator
The margin and GST calculator combines these two issues as they often coexist – a salesman needs to find the net and gross price based on their desired margin and the GST rate. What is calculated is up to you-you may be interested in how much you may pay for your goods to the wholesaler (provide gross margin and your price) or what margins you’re getting, given the certain cost and your price.

Markup Calculator
This markup calculator is a business tool most often used to calculate your sale price. Just enter the cost and markup. It can also be used to calculate the cost – in this case provide your revenue and markup. If you want to calculate markup percentage, then provide cost and revenue.

Sales Calculator
The sales calculator is a super simple tool that lets you figure out how much revenue you’re going to get per month (or any other unit of time) if you consistently sell certain number of products at a set price.
Get in touch with us if you want more guidance on your financial decisions and how they may impact your future.
Other Calculators

Budget Calculator
This monthly budget calculator is a tool that will aid you in planning your savings and expenses efficiently. You can use it either as a monthly expenses calculator, to assess the current state of your expenses, or as a budget creator, to plan the ideal budget you’d like to have.

Dream Come True Calculator
It’s a universal truth: we want things that are hard to get. We don’t want to spend our holidays at our parents’ place; we want to sip drinks on a Bali beach instead. We never settle for an old Nokia phone (unless it’s the indestructible Nokia 3310) if the newest iPhone model is just around the corner. Our wishes and dreams tend to get more expensive as our earnings improve, always leaving something more to be desired.
While some of our dreams might be completely unrealistic (how many of us will actually fly to the Moon in the next five years?), most of them simply require us to save a certain amount of money. This dream come true calculator tells you how long exactly you have to save before you are able to buy that one particular item. This way, you will be able to answer this vital question:
How long do I have to save to afford my dream?

Retirement Calculator
This retirement calculator is a tool that will help you establish how much money you need to save each month to receive a decent retirement. It will also calculate what will be your monthly retirement income. If you ever wondered how much to save for retirement every month, or how many more years you need to work, this calculator is bound to help you.
Get in touch with us if you want more guidance on your financial decisions and how they may impact your future.