New Criminal Underpayment Laws: What You Need to Know

Storing Your Business Systems & Processes

Hello Chasers, The quarterly theme for the next 90 days is ‘Simple Systems’. So, you understand the importance of creating and building systems for your business but where do you…


Hello Chasers, Over the Christmas break I got to use and play around with Google’s NotebookLM –  a new tool that uses the power of large language models to help…

On the 28 th Day of Christmas …

Hello Chasers, What a busy lead up to Christmas and now the New Year. How are you coping? Small businesses have a challenging road ahead of them, especially in this…

On the 27th Day of Christmas …

Hello Chasers, Santa left over a couple of other presents in his sack for me to share with you, and this book is “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell. In…

On the 13th Day of Christmas …

Hello Chasers, The Christmas Season always brings the scammers out of the woodwork as they try to ‘fleece’ hard-earned cash from the vulnerable as well as unsuspecting business owners. In…

On the 11th Day of Christmas …

Hello Chasers, Into Santa’s sack again we go today and we’ve pulled out another gift for you – Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t…

On the 10th Day of Christmas …

Hello Chasers, Competition for the Christmas dollar will be very fierce this year as online shops and retail outlets go head-to-head trying to capture a larger share of the consumer…

On the 9th Day of Christmas …

Hello Chasers, “16 more sleeps and it’s Christmas Day“, I heard my eldest daughter say this morning. Time marches on so quickly and in the words of Willy Wonka “so…