New Chooks on the Block

New Chooks on the Block

Hello Chasers, Hope you’re having a great weekend. With such a miserable day outside yesterday, I was able to catch up on some reading, play around with ChatGPT and map…

Lead Generation

Hello Chasers, Building on your education about the Lead Funnel Formula (which is part of our quarterly theme for this quarter – Consistent Cash Flow) we focus today on generating…

Lead Funnel Software

Hello Chasers, You have completed your marketing strategy for your Lead Funnel Formula but how will you manage the process? Today’s tech can do much of the ’heavy lifting’ because…

It’s Not Your Money!

Hello Chasers, This blog post is a quick reminder of the due date for the payment of the March 2023 Quarter Superannuation Guarantee (‘SG’) for your Team. We often get…

Are You on a Mission?

Hello Chasers, Do you know someone who knows where they are headed, what they want to achieve and why they want to? Individuals and organisations on a mission are truly…

New Life, New Beginnings

Happy Easter Chasers, For those of you who are Christians, Easter is the time to celebrate new life after the resurrection of Jesus and new beginnings. On Thursday, our much-anticipated…

The AIDA Model

Hello Chasers, Does your business have a strong flow of leads coming in, is it a trickle or just a few drops every now and again? It is not uncommon…

Your Own Personal Studio

Hello Chasers, When it comes to putting our content out there in the market we want it to be a good reflection of the quality of our product or service.…

Another Way to Stand Out

Hello Chasers, In this ever-increasing competition for your ideal customer, you have to find ways to stand out in the market in order for them to see and find you.…