Victoria commits $5.3 billion to home building

Victoria commits $5.3 billion to home building

The Victorian government will deliver a “historic” $5.3 billion Big Housing Build to construct more than 12,000 new homes throughout metro and regional Victoria, it has been announced. Homebuyer Fund…

Ethical investing can make cents

Ethical investing has gone from backwater to mainstream over the past decade, as Australians discover they can make the world a better place whilst have the potential to make money…

Responsible Lending Laws Set to Be Axed

Recently, the Federal Government announced that it would be removing responsible lending laws, in a bid to free up credit and help boost the economy. What do these changes mean…

Prescription Without Diagnosis is Malpractice

When talking about planning and setting sales objectives I received an interesting question.“How can I set a realistic sales objective if I’ve never met this prospect?” Outstanding question. Importance of…