Investment Fundamentals

Investment Fundamentals

If you are just starting out as an investor there is a lot of information you will need to absorb and understand.  It is important to make sure you seek…

How to start a share portfolio

So, you have decided you would like to build yourself an investment portfolio that includes some shares but what does that mean and where do you start?   Investing in shares…

5 Ways to Invest 10K

What would you do if you had $10,000?  Would you spend it?  Would you stick it in your mattress?  Share it between your friends and family?  Maybe it would be…

How downsizer contribution works

What are downsizer contributions? Downsizer contributions are superannuation contributions which have been sourced from the sale proceeds of the current or former principal place of residence of a taxpayer (or…

What is depreciation on buildings?

One of the most significant tax deductions that can get overlooked if you own an investment property is ‘special building write-off’ or more commonly known as depreciation on buildings. Any…