Recent modifications to the JobKeeper scheme allowing certain new employees to qualify for JobKeeper payments from 3rd August 2020 has placed additional obligations and deadlines on eligible employers.
But you need to take action TODAY 24th August 2020 if you are eligible!
As a result of the modifications, more employees may qualify for JobKeeper payments from 3rd August 2020 (i.e. JobKeeper fortnight 10), if they were employed on 1st July 2020 and meet the other eligibility criteria.
This includes employees who:
- were hired after 1st March 2020 (and are still employed on 1st July 2020);
- satisfied the 12-month employment requirement under the definition of a ‘long-term casual employee’ for JobKeeper purposes by 1st July 2020 (where they had not previously satisfied this requirement by 1st March 2020); or
- did not qualify on 1st March 2020 due to their age or visa status but have since met the relevant requirements by 1st July 2020 (e.g., employees who have since obtained the necessary visas).
You need to provide all newly eligible employees with the employee nomination form by today – Monday 24th August 2020 and to satisfy the ‘wage condition’ (i.e., make appropriate employee payments) by 31st August 2020.
The following provides a summary of the key dates (and actions) that participating JobKeeper employers must consider in relation to their newly eligible employees as a result of the new 1st July 2020 eligible employee test.
By Monday 24th August 2020 – Provide all newly eligible employees under the 1st July 2020 eligible employee test with an employee nomination form.
By Monday 31stAugust 2020 – Satisfy the $1,500 ‘wage condition’ for each newly eligible
employee (where they have nominated with the employer) for JobKeeper fortnights commencing 3rd August 2020 and 17th August 2020 (i.e., JobKeeper fortnights 10 and 11).
From 1st September 2020 (the August monthly declaration must be lodged by 14th September 2020) – Claim JobKeeper payments for the newly eligible employees who have agreed to be nominated for the JobKeeper scheme with the employer (along with existing employees) by lodging the August 2020 monthly declaration.
Don’t forget, you NEED TO TAKE ACTION TODAY – if eligible!