Hello Chasers,
For those of you who took our advice and jumped on board early to get your new Director ID sorted, we thank you for getting this done to remove the stress of trying to get it sorted during the last few days – especially with State elections, end of month and Christmas planning getting in the way!
The Government has launched an awareness campaign to help other company directors get their director identification number (‘director ID’) as the 30 November deadline approaches.
As a refresher, the director ID is a unique 15‐digit identifier that a company director will apply for once and keep forever.
Director IDs are administered by the Australian Business Registry Services (‘ABRS’), which is managed by the ATO.
All directors of companies registered with ASIC will need a director ID and must apply by the 30 November deadline (although directors of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations may have additional time to apply).
Some people may not realise they are directors, so the campaign is targeting those that run small businesses, self‐managed superannuation funds, charities, not‐for‐profits, and even some sporting clubs.
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