Does Your Business have a Jake or Neytiri?

Hello Chasers,

The first part of the Lead Funnel Formula (refer to our blog post on Skill Up Saturday 8th April 2023 –the AIDA model) is identifying, with absolute clarity, who your Target Market (or ideal customer) is.

To do this we create an ‘avatar’ of our ideal customer – a Jake Sully or Naytiri!

In marketing, an avatar is a little fiction we create that helps us understand who our ideal customers are so we can more easily find them. Quite simply, a customer avatar is a detailed profile of your ideal customer. It doesn’t make assumptions or categorise people into groups.

It is sometimes referred to as a buyer persona, marketing persona, or customer profile but is just a representation of your ideal customer – the type of person you want to purchase your products or services. Chances are you’ve seen this phrase tossed around countless times, especially in terms of digital marketing.

Essentially, it is a profile of the perfect customer or client. When you understand who your ideal customer is, what they look like, their habits, interests, challenges, aspirations, in fact everything about them, you’ll be much more effective in marketing to them.

But I Sell to Everyone!

You may think that your potential customer could be anyone and everyone, which on the face of it sounds like a great situation to be in. But when it comes to marketing your product or service, you need to know ‘who’ you are talking to.

Without this it becomes incredibly difficult to target your marketing in any strategic way, and therefore you end up having to use a scattergun technique and hope something sticks.

There is a saying – ‘Marketing to everyone will not speak to anyone!’

Instead, I would recommend identifying key buyer avatars. For some businesses, this might be one or two, whereas for others you might have many more.

To get started, think about existing customers or clients.

Who do you have that you would like more versions of?

Now, once you identify these types of customers, use these 11 key points to really home in on who they really are:

  1. Gender
  2. Age
  3. Location
  4. Education
  5. Income
  6. Occupation
  7. Interests
  8. Motivations
  9. Challenges
  10. Why do they buy your products?
  11. Shopping habits

With a detailed customer avatar, you will be able to target your marketing a lot more efficiently. Instead of talking to ‘anyone’ you can start addressing ‘someone’. You’ll be able to talk to them in a language they understand, using platforms that they frequent, and address the specific issues or beliefs they have.

Before you go any further though, it is essential that you get all the Team in your business to identify and agree to your customer avatars. Are they accurate reflections of your business’s target audience? Do other members of your team agree with your potential buyer’s avatar?

If not, you need to find out why…

… if this is not done accurately, then your marketing efforts will not be very effective.

So, do you have a Jake or Neytiri or both?

Have a great day!

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