Here are some answers to our most frequently asked questions.
How Can We Help You Today?

An initial meetup is a good idea for several reasons:
- to find out if we are a good fit for each other;
- to allow us to find out about you, your dreams and goals and what is keeping you awake at night;
- to allow us to run a financial ‘checkup’ on your personal or business affairs; and
- to explain how we work with you and what that investment in your financial future will be.
We don’t charge a fee for this initial meetup but would seek a donation of $200 for the value of our time together to support Warrnambool and District Food Share – a local ‘not-for-profit’ organisation that we are passionate about supporting and who our team members volunteer 2 hours per week on a roster basis every Wednesday morning.

Our fees will be fixed with you up front before we commence any work (including all telephone calls and email responses) and will remain fixed for that particular service UNLESS “something out of left field” arises which changes the nature of the work we agreed to do.
Should this situation occur, we will notify you immediately and issue a ‘Change Order’ for that variation.
We appreciate the fact that the majority of our customers pay their fees promptly by direct debit. Apart from allowing us to pay our bills, it also ensures that we can provide you with the most efficient service possible.
Our Quality Work is 100% Guaranteed!
We promise you awesome service, the best tax savings legally possible, business advice and tips that work and of course … great coffee or tea! We know our work and systems are of the highest standard because we are continually attending courses, conferences and seminars and re-investing in the latest technology.
In the unlikely event that you are less than delighted with the service or quality of the work performed, we will re-visit it with you to ensure that you are totally delighted – 100% Guaranteed!
One thing we will never have are the cheapest prices or be involved in discounting them.
To do this we would have to cut the level of service we offer – this is the very last thing we want for you!
Instead we spend a considerable amount of time and money continuously on training, education, technology and on improving our business so that we can give you more value!

- designing an asset protection strategy from the outset to safeguard against potential claims on your hard-earned and accumulating assets;
- reviewing and implementing appropriate insurance cover to protect your income, family, business and hard earned assets;
- putting in place a robust estate plan to ensure that your estate goes to the beneficiaries you want and control of your estate is given to the person who will carry out your wishes;
- conducting a tax planning meeting at least annually to make sure that all appropriate tax deductions are explored and implemented where cash flow permits;
- constructing a retirement strategy using superannuation, including SMSFs, as the investment vehicle to launch into wealth creation;
- reviewing your existing home/investment loans with a view to maximising the use of what you own in the property (equity) to create income that can then pay down the personal and non-deductible portion of the mortgage (debt) using debt-recycling strategies.
- conduct an analysis of your current business practices with a view to systemise those aspects that can be delegated to someone else to free up your time to work on growing your business with customer acquisition and retention strategies.
Once you have made the decision to meet up with us we will send you our checklist of the things that we will require to run a ‘financial checkup” for you.
If you are far away we can set up a ‘virtual meeting’ so we can find out more about each other.
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