One who doesn’t really provide a very good level of service. Most people, unless they have changed accountants recently, won’t know whether the service they receive is good, bad or indifferent.
Can you answer these couple of questions?
- Are You Paying Too Much Tax?
- Do You Know If You’re Paying Too Much Tax?
- Is Your Family at Risk because of their Financial Reliance on You?
- Is Your Family and the Family Home at Risk Because of Your Business?
- Are You Accumulating Wealth Each Year?
If you can’t, then you need our Second Opinion service – Look Under the Hood…
… where we review your financials and tax returns. We then offer our opinions on your business financial performance, look at your business and personal risk and where tax savings could have been made.
We charge $500 (plus GST) for this service and if we can’t get at least this fee in tax savings or value for you, there is NO FEE!