How Secure Are Your Passwords?

Hello Chasers,

Cyber attacks are becoming the new norm as data emerges as the new currency for scammers.

Part of the problem though rests with the security systems in place, particularly password security or lack thereof.

The issue is the choice of passwords which are considered weak and easily hacked.

Most people will be lazy when it comes to setting robust passwords and use passwords that are simple to remember such as street address and number, loved one’s name and age or simply ‘password’ or ‘123456’.

In fact, over 17% of consumers use ‘123456’ as their password – which regrettably is, the most popular password today.

Check out this published list of the most common passwords which sheds a light on just how common weak passwords are in place and why hacking seems to be on the increase.

Also, hackers have been known to use Facebook quizzes to get users to respond to build a database of potential password choices e.g., pet’s name, childhood nickname, favourite foods etc. With sophisticated password solving software they are quickly able to ‘crack the code’, so to speak!

So, what’s the solution to creating more robust passwords?

We need password managers that store and generate strong passwords.

A study I read a while ago, examined 170 participants’ passwords and concluded that password managers  ‘indeed influence password strength and reuse.’

Whilst there are a number of new players on the market in this space now, we have been using LastPass as our password manager for the past 5 years or so because of its simplicity in use across our business for all of the different services we provide which require access to many different platforms, websites and apps.

When you search their homepage, LastPass’s encourages you to make your password selection easy and ‘simplify your online life.’ They also include the tagline ‘auto-pilot for all your passwords,’ which tells you something about their convenience and ease-of-use.

They have a free, 30-day trial and have plans for business or families up to 6 members which is brilliant for Nanna’s banking details etc.

The user interface and features make LastPass an attractive option for anyone looking to improve their online security, particularly because it is inexpensive and an easily affordable solution to minimising your chances from being hacked.

Have a great day!

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