Hello Chasers,
One of my firm beliefs as a small business entrepreneur is that every business has the power and ability to make an impact on the world using the power of small!
Every year that goes past, one person in our world should be breathing easier because of us – the business entrepreneurs.
It’s that simple.
Make it your annual goal.
This Christmas, there are so many with so little. Or, in fact, nothing. They are the people (and animals) who are forgotten, are unseen, as we dash around scooping up toys and hanging twinkly lights and butchering Michael Buble’s Christmas album and arguing about whether to serve trifle or pudding for dessert on Christmas day (I say trifle, because TRIFLE).
They are the women in shelters. The jobless men sleeping in cars or in city doorways. The children ricocheting between foster carers. Or living on the street. Or in homes where despair sits like a heavy fog around the kitchen table. They are the animals that are left, forgotten, and rescued who have lost faith in the kindness of human beings.
And so it is up to us – you and me – to step up.
Read this list. Pick one thing and do it this Christmas season. Santa will love you all the more for it.
- The Pyjama Foundation
Over the last decade, the number of children living in foster care in Australia has doubled and as a group, they have the worst educational outcomes of any group of children in Australia. 92% of children in foster care have below-average reading skills by the time they are only seven years of age, and it is a struggle for them to catch up.
So that’s where The Pyjama Foundation steps in. The organisation sends “Reading Angels” into the homes of foster kids every week to read books aloud to the children, which in turn improves their literacy.
HOW TO HELP THIS CHRISTMAS: The Pyjama Foundation is holding their annual toy drive so they can give a present to every child in foster care. You can also sponsor a ‘Pyjama Angel’, who will help children in foster care to read.
Every year the Pyjama Foundation also hosts Christmas Parties throughout Queensland, Sydney and Melbourne to help the kids in their program. Call (07) 3256 8802 or check out their website for more here: http://www.thepyjamafoundation.com
- The Smith Family
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