On the 19th Day of Christmas …

Hello Chasers,

With the countdown to Christmas gathering momentum towards the big day, now is a good time to prepare your business to gather the data required to analyse how you have tracked or are tracking.

If you record and track them, the numbers will reveal the truth about your marketing efforts, sales, customer visits to your store/website, stock turnover etc.

Record and analyse the results from your Christmas sales.

Make notes of what worked and what didn’t to give you insights for next year’s Christmas season.

Send out Christmas cards to your customer base. Consider including Christmas cards with new orders.

Thank your customers. Send thank you cards or promotional items with your logo on them to remind your customers of your business.

Consider a refresh. Think about re-examining your design for the New Year. This is a great time for some fresh thinking around your visual identity.

What has your competition done really, really well that you might learn from and get some great ideas for next year?

Perhaps get Santa (fellow Chaser – @Rob Dowlin) in-store, at your restaurant etc to draw in families and have small, free giveaways for the kids.

What about live Christmas Carollers doing a ‘flash-mob’ style performance?

There are so many ideas that you could adopt for next year.

Do you need to re-brand as a result?

Whilst it is easy to get caught up in the frantic pace of Christmas, don’t forget to review what has happened and to plan for the New Year.

Now is a good time to start this process because you have a fresh perspective on what is happening now – but don’t forget to involve your team too. They are closer to the frontline than you…

… and thank them, thank them for all that they have been for you and to the business.

Have a great day!

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