If you have an SMSF or Self-Managed Superannuation Fund that purchased a property using a Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement (LRBA) loan, what happens when you have finally paid that last loan repayment and kissed that mortgage goodbye?
This episode will guide you through the six key steps with expert insights.
What you’ll learn:
- (0:14) Navigating the Wind-Up of LRBA Loans: An Introduction
- (1:09) General Advice Disclaimer: Financial Planning Precautions
- (2:13) Building Your Expert Team: Essential for LRBA Loan Wind-Up
- (3:12) Confirming Loan Extinction: Ensuring Financial Clarity
- (3:35) Transferring Title to SMSF: Legal Steps and Considerations
- (4:19) Documenting Bear Trust Closure: Ensuring Compliance
- (4:50) Finalizing Property Ownership: Tying Up Loose Ends
- (5:31) Notifying Relevant Authorities: Transitioning Landlordship
- (5:57) Dissolving the Bear Trust: Cautionary Measures and Liquidation
- Loads More…
Links and Resources:
Australian Taxation Office (ATO) – Self-managed super funds
#SMSF #PropertyLoan #FinancialPlanning #LRBALoans #InvestmentStrategy