Managing your home loan effectively is all about chipping away at that debt as quickly as possible. Every dollar you pay extra goes towards the principal amount, reducing your loan balance and, in turn, the interest you pay.
Having a redraw facility or offset account on your home loan product can be a powerful feature for reducing your interest payments.
This episode discusses how each work and their points of difference.
What you’ll learn:
- (0:14) Introduction to the Chasers Channel: Exploring Business and Finance
- (0:34) Understanding Home Loan Features: Redraws vs. Offset Accounts
- (0:55) Host Introduction: Meet Chris Becks, Your Financial Expert
- (1:24) Important Disclaimer: General Advice for Educational Purposes
- (2:06) Effective Home Loan Management: Strategies to Reduce Interest Payments
- (2:46) The Redraw Facility: Your Loan’s Secret Stash for Extra Repayments
- (3:16) Offset Accounts: The Savings Powerhouse Linked to Your Home Loan
- Loads More…
Links and Resources:
#HomeLoans #RedrawFacility #OffsetAccounts #FinancialAdvice #MortgageTips #InterestSavings