Having the ‘Tax Talk’ with New Team Members

Having the ‘Tax Talk' with New Team Members

Hello Chasers,

Everything involving data seems to be moving rapidly towards an online presence, including our dealings with the ATO which are phasing out old paper-based requirements.

They are reminding employers that have taken on new Team Members that those Team Members can complete a TFN declaration through ATO online services, and that this is an easy way for them to provide both their employer and the ATO with the information needed.

If a new Team Member has a myGov account linked to the ATO, they can:

  • access ATO online services;
  • go to the ‘Employment’ menu; and
  • select ‘New employment’ and complete the form.

This sends the TFN declaration details straight to the ATO, so the employer doesn’t have to.

Team Members will need their employer’s ABN to complete the form and, once they’ve submitted it, they need to print it and give their employer the summary of their tax details so the employer can input the data into their system.

If an employer’s payroll software can link to the online commencement forms, it will automatically receive any new Team Members’ information from the ATO, saving them time spent otherwise entering the information manually.

Employers can also use the New employment form to collect a range of information contained in other forms, and Team Members can use it to authorise variations to the amount to be withheld from their pay for tax or the Medicare levy or to advise of their choice of super fund.


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