

Business owners from all over Australia, in Warrnambool and surrounding areas are dedicated customers of Ceebeks.

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Questions to ask as your small business recovers from COVID-19

As small business owners look to operations after COVID-19, there are some important business questions to ask. These questions will help you determine what adaptations you want to keep, whether your business model is working, and…
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What can I claim against my tax?

It’s tax time again – what can you claim to reduce your tax? DEDUCTIONS YOU CAN CLAIM According to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website, there are 4 things you need to claim a work-related deduction:…
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How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event

Over the last 18 months many of us have become instant experts in online video conferencing. One of the more popular platforms is Zoom. Zoom is a cloud-based service which provides simple online meetings, content sharing,…
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Business lessons learnt during COVID-19

If you’re like many small business owners you’re probably astounded by how the world has changed in a very short time. While we can all hope that the pandemic is a once-in-a-lifetime scenario, the truth is…
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Battling Through COVID-19: Finance Tips for Business Survival

We’ve heard this before: the COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented global health and financial crisis that has caught many off guard. While the threats to human life are very real, the damage to the health of…
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Are you stalling on the one thing that could bring you the results you want?

Do you wake up with ideas, make some rough plans on how to bring them to reality but then go stone cold on them? Many of us already know that there are areas in our business…
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Tips for Managing Remote Teams

More and more business employees are now telecommuting, that companies around the world are restructuring their management practices to meet the challenges of remote collaboration. Now with the spread of the Coronavirus and workers being asked…
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9 Steps to Leading People Successfully through Major Change

Change in business is almost always a good thing, but often poor management means that the workforce becomes disengaged and the change process painful. In the worst cases, this results in irreparable damage being done. It doesn’t…
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