What To Do If You Can’t Pay Your Car Loan

Some Good News About Inflation!

Hello Chasers, Just as the media bombard us with all of the negativity about interest rate rises and the doom and gloom facing us all, there is a ‘silver lining’…

How Adaptable Are You To Change?

Hello Chasers, Ange and I are now virtually ‘empty nesters’ and this is a type of change we knew would come one day but no matter how prepared we were…

FREE Online Courses at your Fingertips

Hello Chasers, Maintaining knowledge and skills to improve one’s business can be challenging due to the high cost of education and training courses. However, what if you could access online…


Hello Chasers, Are you tired of being inundated with emails and struggling to respond quickly? Look no further than Cannedtxt, an app designed to help you create systematised responses on…

More Opportunities to Increase Your Super!

Hello Chasers, In another recent legislative change, the eligibility age to make a downsizer contribution into superannuation has been reduced to 55 from 1 January 2023. This further reduces the…

Adding a Second Storey

Hello Chasers, Hope you are all having an amazing Sunday, a day that allows you to reset and recharge for the week ahead! After spending a week away in Sydney…