

Business owners from all over Australia, in Warrnambool and surrounding areas are dedicated customers of Ceebeks.

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Communicating during a pandemic

Most small business owners face a time in their career when they have to communicate in ways or about topics they aren’t comfortable with. COVID-19 has put small business owners in the position of having many…
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Calculating your break-even point

If you’re confident there’s a genuine demand for your potential product or service (and at the price you want), the next step is to work out how much you need to sell each month to make…
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One tax concession that is often overlooked

A good reason for setting your business structure up correctly is to ensure that you can become an employee to access some of the tax concessions available. As a sole trader or partnership you cannot be…
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How cash flow forecasts can help your business

Managing cash flow is a vital part of running a successful business. Some business owners think managing cash flow simply means keeping track of how much money enters and leaves their business, but there’s actually more…
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Ways to benchmark your business

For many business owners, determining the success of a business comes down to how much profit the company makes. Of course, finances are an important measure of a company’s overall success. If you don’t bring in…
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How your business can thrive even in a recession

The pains caused by a recession can be excruciating, which is why most of us dread the thought of it. A recession can mean massive layoffs, jobs becoming harder to find, and wages frozen, which means…
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Your top five Financial New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Financial Year! The 2020-2021 financial year is upon us and now is the perfect time to start planning your financial strategy for the year ahead. Here are our top five New Year’s financial resolutions…
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Five ways to increase your profit

For many small businesses, the best way to improve profitability is to increase turnover, as there’s no limit to sales but there is a limit to how much you can reduce your costs. Let’s look at…
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